fireplace – Hello Victoria Lifestyle blog based in London, UK Fri, 22 Dec 2023 18:06:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 HELLO INSPIRATION: FIREPLACES + ACCESSORIES Mon, 08 Jan 2018 22:28:00 +0000 Read more]]>
Fireplace inspiration | Hello Victoria

Gorgeous aged brick fireplace from Jacquelyn Clark

This past Christmas… the tree was decorated in the corner, glowing houses were on the credenza, and we had constant Christmas music and warm drinks on hand. But still, something didn’t feel right. It wasn’t quite cosy enough for Christmas, and I think I have put my finger on it. No, it’s not the lack of snow here in England… it’s the lack of a fireplace in this flat!

We have turned on the fireplace videos on Amazon Prime or YouTube, but it just isn’t the same. You need the crackling sounds, wavering light, and smell… oh the smell! Especially cedar! Just heaven!

Richard and I both miss having a fireplace, especially in this cold January season. It’s probably the one thing we wish for most in this flat, other than a second bedroom. We would probably rather have a working open fireplace than a dishwasher!! We can tell where a fireplace used to live in our flat, because of the vent down by the baseboard. Curse whoever ripped it out!!!

So, it’s only logical that I have fireplaces on the brain and their relevant accessories!

On a recent gift guide, Emily Henderson’s team listed this match striker + holder. I don’t know why, but I have always loved matches! It’s kind of a weird thing to love, but as a kid I remember my parents had this round matchbox with very long matches in it, and I loved it and always wanted to use them. Maybe it’s the pyro in me, but using matches is fun.

So when I saw this match striker, that doubles as a place to store your matches, it was love at first sight… until I saw the price tag! $50 for a wee-match striker! So I started searching for more match striker/holder things, and found some even more expensive! Who knew these were pricy designer items?!

Match strikers | Hello Victoria

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5

Here’s a list of my favourites, both expensive (in case you’re the type with oodles of cash to blow on silly things – lucky you ;)) and less so. It’s my new favourite thing to have on a mantle, which I don’t have… yet. Someday, we will buy a house and it WILL have a fireplace. Honestly, that’s non-negotiable for us.

Built in wood storage inspiration | Hello Victoria

built-in wood and blanket storage from Heather Bullard

But other than match strikers, I often find myself looking at wood storage. I love a good built-in storage option, but if that isn’t available, there are some really great containers. You can get racks that sort of mimic the built-in look or baskets… or even copper pots!

Wood storage ideas | Hello Victoria

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5

But if we had our dream house, the fireplace would be brick. Quite frankly, if Richard could build a home, it would be red brick all over – he loves the stuff! And, if the house can’t be brick, well then the fireplace has to be! Like these beauties!

herringbone brick fireplace interior from Marcus Design Inc.

Fireplace inspiration | Hello Victoria

brick fireplace surrounded by teal from Little Green Shed

herringbone brick fireplace from Lonny

Although, if I somehow found a place with an antique fireplace like this beauty, I think I could live without the brick…

Fireplace inspiration | Hello Victoria

antique marble fireplace from Apartment Therapy

What about you? Do you have an open fireplace? Any must-have accessories?

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