Lindos – Hello Victoria Lifestyle blog based in London, UK Fri, 17 Nov 2023 19:38:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 VISITING LINDOS BY BOAT Mon, 23 Jan 2017 18:10:00 +0000 Read more]]>
The hillside town of Lindos, Rhodes | Hello Victoria

The hillside town of Lindos, Rhodes | Hello Victoria

The hillside town of Lindos

The last post about Greece, I promise!

On our final day in Rhodes, we managed to book a day trip out to visit the town of Lindos by boat. We had tried to arrange the same excursion earlier that week, but it had been booked solid by the time we made up our minds to go.

Luckily for us, since our flight left late on our last day, we were able to pack first thing, check our bags, and spend the day in Lindos before our flight back to London. Seeing as how we would have had to check out early that day anyway, it worked out quite perfectly!

Boat trip to Lindos, Rhodes | Hello Victoria

I wish our boat looked like that…

Now, I will say, that the whole ‘boat trip’ part wasn’t exactly how I imagined it would be. For some reason, when we booked it through our Thompson Cook hotel representative, I was imagining a small boat with like 15-20 people. No, no, no, it was a ferry of a boat with like 100 people, or more!

Not only that, but our bus group got there almost last, which meant that all of the seats out in the sun or on the deck, were taken. We ended up by a window below the deck. Now, this suited Richard just fine, as he burns easily and wouldn’t have wanted to be out in the sun, but if I’m honest, I spent the first 30 minutes to an hour feeling kind of ripped off…

See, I had imagined the boat trip there to be one where I laid on the deck and got a tan, enjoying the warmth of the sun… not stuck inside. But, then that 30+ minutes turned into hours (who knew it took so long to get to Lindos?!), and before long people were dying to take our seats out of the blistering sun! Turns out being last meant we actually got the good seats (for those who dislike hours in the sun) (Me = cat laying in the sun rays through the window).

The fact that the boat was so ferry-like was even a plus in that it was large enough to have washrooms, a snack bar with drinks, and even popsicles! I might have had a few watermelon ‘ice lollies’ on the return trip…

Swimming breaks on the way to Lindos by boat | Hello Victoria

Enjoying my own little private swimming hole

So, part of the excursion was that the boat stopped once in either direction for some swimming, with a few hours to see Lindos in the middle. I had initially worried about said swimming time, because I doubted it would be much fun (or feel very secluded) with all the people on the boat. However, not everyone on board wanted to swim, so I managed to really enjoy those little stops!

The rocky shore at Lindos, Rhodes | Hello Victoria

Where we docked in Lindos

Once we arrived in Lindos, we had a few hours to go up and see the main tourist attraction – the Acropolis on the hill. Now, before I went on this excursion, I had read up about Lindos and the Acropolis. One thing I was warned about was the people peddling donkey rides up to the acropolis for those too lazy to walk, and from what I read the donkeys are very poorly cared for and mistreated. Since donkeys are one of my favorite animals (the eyes!) we chose to bypass the people selling rides. It’s not a hard little hike in the slightest, and I did it with flimsy Greek sandals on my feet.

The shop lined streets of Lindos, Rhodes | Hello Victoria

The shop where I turned down a pair of sandals I wish I had bought… sigh

The beautiful pebble mosaic streets of Lindos, Rhodes | Hello Victoria

The beautiful streets of Lindos, and my ‘hiking’ sandals

The walk up the hill itself was quite nice as most of the buildings here are the classic white facade sort, with beautiful little pebble mosaic streets. There are lots of shops selling the usual wares (Greek sandals, bags, souvenirs, etc.) and plenty of small restaurants tucked away.

Beautiful side streets in Lindos, Rhodes | Hello Victoria
Shops in Lindos, Rhodes | Hello Victoria

Cute little shops and streets along the way up

We decided to beat the rush and go straight up the hill to the acropolis, rather than shop along the way. With the exception of a silly little turnstile payment point, it’s pretty much an open space to explore. We walked all around, seeing all the columns, etc., and enjoying the views from the top of the hill. Richard was a bit bummed that a lot of the columns in the acropolis were actually rebuilt, and not original, but we both still thought it worth the trip.

Olive tree growing in the acropolis of Lindos | Hello Victoria
The acropolis of Lindos | Hello Victoria
Visiting the acropolis of Lindos | Hello Victoria

A few photos of the Acropolis

On our way down, we found a little family restaurant where we sat down to enjoy some olives, pitas, calimari, and halloumi (of course). We had the entire place to ourselves and rather enjoyed the reprieve from our crowded little ferry.

Food in Lindos, Rhodes | Hello Victoria

Amazing olives and calimari!

Since we got back to our boat a little early, I took the opportunity to swim around the beautiful little bay that Lindos surrounds. The water was so clear, and very refreshing after walking around in the heat of the day.

The view from the acropolis at Lindos | Hello Victoria

The view from the Acropolis

Our return journey felt a lot longer as I think we were all getting kind of tired from the day out, and I’m pretty sure the crew agreed because our swim stop on the way back felt shorter (albeit still fun – and a pretty spot). After that it was simply a matter of relaxing below deck, eating popsicles, and drinking cider until returning to our bus transport to the hotel.

Swim spots along a boat trip to Lindos, Rhodes | Hello Victoria

Our last swimming spot

It may have started off kind of rocky, but that little boat trip made me really want to return to Greece. Of all the parts of Rhodes we visited, Lindos felt the most like what I had been expecting, and made me only want to come back. Next time, perhaps we’ll visit another island?

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