Vegetarian – Hello Victoria Lifestyle blog based in London, UK Fri, 22 Dec 2023 21:12:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ‘PUMPKIN’ S’MORE CUPCAKES – MADE WITH SWEET POTATO! Tue, 27 Nov 2018 04:25:00 +0000 Read more]]> Sweet potato s’more cupcakes | Hello Victoria

One of the many things that is hard to find in the UK is pumpkin purée. Unlike in North America, where “pumpkin spice” is in practically everything come autumn (seriously – it’s insane), the UK doesn’t really do pumpkin desserts. Suuure, you can get a pumpkin spice latte now at Starbucks, but pumpkin desserts are a quintessentially North American thing. Which makes sense – no Thanksgiving, no pumpkin pie.

So in the past, when I have come across canned pumpkin purée, I would buy a couple just for the future. You never know when you might need it! Update – my local little Waitrose has it in stock right now… whaaaatt?!

And of course, when I got the inclination to try these cupcakes, I was out of pumpkin and with nowhere to find it. So I thought about it and realized that spiced sweet potatoes (yams in Canada) taste a whole lot like pumpkin pie. So I figured I could simply use some pureed sweet potato instead of pumpkin! And you know what? I couldn’t tell the difference!

The original recipe for these cupcakes called for a graham cracker crust. Again, not something you can find here in the UK. However, my mom had sent me a box a while back, and I had juuuust enough left to crush up. You could substitute it with digestive biscuits, but I don’t think it’s worth it. The graham crust is more flavour than texture, and without the honey graham taste, I don’t think it’s necessary. You could just omit that part.

Of course, then they wouldn’t be very “s’more” but hey, you do what you can! After all, s’mores are a very North American thing, just like pumpkin pie. Which makes finding graham crackers nigh impossible. Why do I suddenly get these inclinations to bake things with hard-to-find ingredients?!

Anyway, if you’re not yet in the mood for Christmas (I am soooo excited for Christmas!!) and want something a bit more fall-appropriate to make – why not try these? They make a great mini cupcake too! Oh, and if you don’t have a kitchen torch (like me) you can use your oven broiler! Just make sure to keep an eye on them so that they don’t get too brown!


Sweet Potato S’More Cupcakes


  • 55 g graham cracker/digestive crumbs
  • 114 g softened + 28g melted unsalted butter
  • 210 g brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 10 ml vanilla extract
  • 200 g flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/8 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/8 tsp ginger
  • pinch cardamom + cloves
  • 125 ml milk
  • 175 g sweet potato/pumpkin purée
  • Ganache:
  • 110 g milk chocolate chopped
  • 60 ml double cream
  • Italian Meringue:
  • 90 g egg whites
  • 185 g sugar
  • 35 ml water


  • Preheat the oven to 165°C (325°F) convection. Line a 12 hole muffin tin with paper cases.
  • Melt the 28g butter, and mix together with the graham cracker crumbs. Divide the mixture evenly among the cases and press into the bottom of each one.
  • Beat the softened butter and brown sugar together until fluffy. Add the egg and vanilla, and beat until well blended.
  • Sift together the flour, spices, salt, baking soda, and baking powder. Blend into the butter mixture.
  • Stir the milk and purée into the mixture. Spoon into the cases and bake in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.
  • Allow to cool before filling/topping.
  • To make the ganache, heat the double cream until simmering (microwave works well) and stir into the chocolate until melted and smooth. Fill a piping bag with the ganache, and pipe a bit into each cupcake.
  • To make the meringue, place the egg whites into a clean/dry medium bowl. Mix the sugar and water together in a small pot, and heat over a medium heat until a thermometer reads 114°C.
  • At this point, start mixing the egg whites with an electric beater until fluffy. When the sugar syrup is between 118-120°C, slowly pour it down the side of the bowl, while mixing the egg whites on high.
  • Continue mixing the egg whites until they are fluffy, and have cooled to room temperature.
  • Fill a piping bag with a large star tip with the meringue. Pipe on top of the cupcakes, and brown with a kitchen blow torch (or place the cupcakes on a baking sheet, and brown under your oven’s broiler).
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RICHARD’S FAVOURITE PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES Mon, 05 Nov 2018 03:58:00 +0000 Read more]]>

Okay, it’s time for a really simple recipe. I’ve meant to post this for ages, but haven’t made them often enough, and keep forgetting to take a photo. These are one of Richard’s favourite things that I make – they’re a softer cookie (unlike the crisp biscuits that people tend to make here in the UK), with lots of peanut flavour.

Now, the most important part of the recipe is the peanut butter that you use. If it’s one of those cheaper brands, with tons of added sugar and palm oil, then you won’t get as strong of a peanut taste. I only ever buy 100 percent peanut, peanut butter. Surprisingly, Morrisons has a really good one, which is waaaay cheaper than all the health-food ones, but still tastes great. Trust me, I love this stuff. It’s great in a banana smoothie too!

These are really simple cookies, where you just have to cream together the butter and sugar, add some eggs, and then mix in the dry ingredients. Nothing fancy or complicated here!

And you can totally leave them plain, or dunk them in some chocolate like I did here, and top them with some chopped peanuts. But then, I actually prefer the taste without the chocolate, as it can kind of mask the peanut butter. It’s completely up to you! Oh, and the more you spread them out before baking, the crispier they will get. If you want a really chewy cookie, leave them as balls, and allow them to spread in the oven. They’ll end up really soft in the middle.


Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies


  • 227 g butter
  • 277 g peanut butter
  • 240 g sugar
  • 190 g brown sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 5 g vanilla extract
  • 240 g rolled oats large
  • 200 g all-purpose flour
  • 7 g sodium bicarbonate
  • 5 g baking powder
  • 3 g salt


  • Preheat oven to 160°C fan (180°C no-fan).
  • Mix together the butter and peanut butter until smooth. Add the sugars and cream until fluffy.
  • Add the eggs, one at a time, and beat until well blended, then add the vanilla.
  • Sift together the dry ingredients, and stir into the wet until well mixed.
  • Shape the dough into balls about 40-50g each, and place on a parchment lined tray. Flatten slightly and bake for 10 minutes, turning the tray halfway.
  • Allow to cool on wire racks, then dip in chocolate (optional) and sprinkle with chopped peanuts.
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HEALTHY JERUSALEM ARTICHOKE + CELERIAC SOUP: FEED YOUR GUT Fri, 02 Nov 2018 03:52:00 +0000 Read more]]> Well, it’s finally November, and the weather here in southeast London certainly feels like it. We’ve got the old electric radiator out again, hot water bottles in the bed, and a duvet on the sofa for snuggling. If we only had a fireplace, I think we’d be quite cosy!

But what this weather does for me is make me crave all kinds of warm hearty things… and above all soup! I almost never want to make soup during the summer, when all I want is a salad. But now, I want to tuck into something that feels just as cosy as the hot water bottle currently residing somewhere near my toes… which are covered in thick socks.

Now, this soup isn’t just warm and cosy, but it’s actually good for you! As I mentioned in a previous post about cooking with these bad boys, Jerusalem artichokes are full of inulin, which is amazing for your gut bacteria… just not for your dignity. They call them fartichokes after all. And that’s not the only part of this soup which is healthy – celeriac is too! I mean, it’s definitely not the prettiest vegetable to look at (seriously, it’s not winning any vegetable beauty contests) but celeriac is full of dietary fibre, minerals, and vitamins! With these two as the main ingredients in a soup, you’ll feel better in more ways than one. And seeing as how they are both currently in season, why not try this recipe this weekend?

Fun fact, we actually grew Jerusalem artichokes this summer, by accident. Turns out we missed some of the plant we dug up last year, and covered it with our new composter. Now we can’t properly dig the rest up, and so we will forever have Jerusalem artichokes growing by our composter. Which is great news for me, but not so for Richard. His gut seems to go particularly crazy when he has Jerusalem artichokes… which isn’t something he likes too much.

Now I really liked the flavour of this soup, as it’s very different from anything else I’ve ever had. Celeriac has a definite celery taste (obviously), and combined with the nutty Jerusalem artichoke, it was quite unique. I seasoned it a bit less than most things I make, as I really wanted those two flavours to shine through. Normally I go crazy with tons of garlic… mmm garlic… **insert drooling here**

One other thing I tried, was making this dairy-free. I’ve always struggled with digesting lots of fats, especially dairy, and have been trying to reduce the amount I consume. I used some single soya instead of cream to thicken the soup, and you couldn’t really tell the difference! So if you happen to be vegan, or trying to introduce vegan recipes into your life, you can easily switch some ingredients here to make it work for you.

And that’s it! It’s a really simple soup to make, and pairs quite well with my customary garlic sourdough bread… mmmmm… gotta love a big warm bowl of soup, and some crunchy garlicky toast! Perfect for this recent cold snap!


Healthy Jerusalem Artichoke + Celeriac Soup


  • 700 g jerusalem artichokes diced*
  • 500 g celeriac peeled and diced
  • 1 onion chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic minced
  • 30 g unsalted butter or oil
  • 1.25-1.5 ltrs vegetable or chicken stock**
  • 50 ml single cream
  • chopped chives to serve


  • Place the diced artichoke and celeriac in a bowl of cold, salted water.
  • In a pot over a low heat, melt the butter and sautée the onions and garlic until translucent, but not browned, about 8 minutes.
  • Drain the vegetables, and add to the pot with a generous pinch of salt. Cook, stirring often, until the vegetables begin to soften.
  • Add the stock, and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat, and simmer gently for 20-25 minutes, until the vegetables are tender.
  • Blend until smooth.
  • Add the cream, and reheat gently. Divide between bowls, drizzle over with some extra cream, and top with chives to serve.


* you might want to peel them, if they have really thick skins, but mine were all small, and just needed a good scrubbing
** I added a bit less stock initially, to make sure it was as thick as I liked once the cream was added. Feel free to adjust to your taste.
Recipe found in the November 2017 Waitrose Food magazine
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RHUBARB + CUSTARD DOUGHNUTS Mon, 04 Jun 2018 02:28:00 +0000 Read more]]> One of the best things about our allotment is that it has rhubarb. Richard and I both love rhubarb in all sorts of things – muffins, cakes, crumbles, pies… etc. (Although, we also love just plain ol’ stewed rhubarb with some yoghurt.) However, sometimes it feels like we almost have too much rhubarb (I know – it’s a thing!) and I’m always looking for new ways to use it.

One of the first things that came to my mind was rhubarb doughnuts! Someone at my work had actually tried to make rhubarb and custard doughnuts before, but the acidity in the rhubarb jam he made caused the cream to curdle. Ever since then, I’ve always thought that if I were to do it, I would turn the rhubarb into a curd instead, as it would prevent any curdling. After all, you can mix lemon curd with cream and it’s fine – and lemon is even more acidic!

So I went back to my tried and true recipe for crème patissière, which is the same recipe I use for making lemon curd! I simply swap the milk amount for lemon juice and add as much zest as the amount of lemons I juice. I figured I could do the same with rhubarb purée! However, once I had stewed the rhubarb, and blitzed it – it wouldn’t press through a sieve like raspberry or some other kind of puree. Too much fibre. In the end, I didn’t see it and simply reduced the amount of cornstarch in the recipe to account for how thick the puree is to start with. I figured that the rhubarb purée was about halfway between how thin milk is, and how thick I wanted the final curd – so I halved the amount of thickener (cornstarch) to just 10g.

The rhubarb taste is there, but subtler than I was expecting. I’m debating trying to make these without the custard next time. I would double the amount of rhubarb puree, and just flavour the whipping cream with vanilla and fold them together. I think the flavour would be amazing – but then I love rhubarb, and it might be too strong for some. But even without the strong rhubarb flavour – these still taste great!

For the doughnut itself, I used the same recipe from Justin Gellatly’s book Bread, Cake, Doughnut, Pudding, that I used in the paska doughnuts. Except, as these weren’t paska doughnuts, I used his traditional recipe with water instead of citrus juice. If you want a few tips on how to fry them, check out the paska recipe! My key tip is always to prove the doughnuts on parchment paper, rather than trying to lift them off a floured surface. You can even pre-cut the squares before shaping so that you don’t have to try and cut around the doughnuts once proven.

When I was trying to decide how to garnish these (all doughnuts need a garnish, IMHO), I was torn between poached rhubarb and rhubarb curls! In the end, I think the poached stuff works better, as it looks more like rhubarb at first glance. It is a better colour. However, the fact that you can make ribbons out of rhubarb is always fun. 🙂 I used this recipe to make them.

Which garnish do you think looks better?

Either way, if you happen to have a glut of rhubarb from your garden or just love doughnuts, why not try these? You could even try reducing the amount of creme patisserie in the recipe to see if the stronger flavour is better? Taste is always a personal preference. Or, you can just eat the rhubarb curd straight – ha! Pipe it into tart shells, or make a rhubarb meringue pie! Enjoy!


Rhubarb + Custard Doughnuts


  • Doughnut Dough:
  • 500 g white bread flour strong white
  • 60 g caster sugar berry sugar plus extra for coating
  • 10 g salt
  • 5 g instant yeast 15g fresh 7.5 active dry*
  • 4 eggs lightly beaten
  • 150 ml water
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • 125 g unsalted butter softened
  • 2 ltrs neutral vegetable oil for frying
  • Rhubarb Puree:
  • 225 g rhubarb chopped
  • 0.5 orange zest and juice
  • 50 g + 2 tsp sugar
  • 25 ml lemon juice
  • 10 g cornstarch
  • 1 egg yolk
  • Creme Patissiere:
  • 250 ml whole milk
  • 50 g sugar
  • 20 g cornstarch
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 0.25 vanilla bean seeds scraped out or 0.25 tsp vanilla paste/extract
  • 250 ml double cream whipping
  • 40 g caster sugar


  • In a small bowl, mix together the flour and yeast. In a large bowl**, combine the water, citrus zest, sugar, eggs, flour mixed with yeast, and salt (layered in that order). Using a wooden spoon, stir until the dough starts to come together, then turn out onto a clean work surface.
  • Knead the dough at a medium pace, for about 8 minutes, being careful not to add any extra flour. This dough will be very sticky, so use a bench scraper to help you knead.
  • Allow the dough to rest for one minute.
  • Start kneading again, and add the butter in small amounts – kneading in each one before adding the next. Once you have added all the butter, knead at a fast pace for 5 minutes. The dough should be smooth and elastic. It’ll still be very very sticky.
  • Place the dough in a lightly greased bowl, cover with cling film, and allow to prove for 1-1.5 hours. Punch the dough down, recover, and place in the fridge overnight.
  • While the dough is resting in the fridge, make your rhubarb curd and pastry cream.
  • Place the chopped rhubarb, orange zest, juice, and 2 tsp sugar in a bowl. Allow the rhubarb to macerate while you make the crème patissière, drawing out the water.
  • For the pastry cream: In a medium bowl, mix together your egg yolk, cornstarch, and enough of the milk to thin it out a little.
  • Heat the remaining milk, sugar, and vanilla in a saucepan, over medium heat, until just simmering. Turn off the heat, cover, and allow to infuse for 20-30 minutes.
  • Bring the milk back up to a low boil, and slowly pour it into the egg yolk mixture, whisking the whole time to prevent the egg cooking.
  • Return the whole mixture to the pot, and cook over a medium heat, whisking constantly.
  • Once the mixture begins to thicken, remove from the heat for 10 seconds, and whisk vigorously. Return to the heat and allow to come to a full boil, for 10-15 seconds – keep whisking.
  • Strain mixture onto a large piece of cling film, and wrap to make a little pillow. Chill in the fridge until cold.
  • For the rhubarb curd: in a small pot over low heat, cook the rhubarb mixture until soft and broken down. Remove from heat, allow to cool, and puree in a food processor.
  • In a medium bowl, mix together your egg yolk, cornstarch, and enough of the lemon juice to thin it out a little.
  • Heat the remaining lemon juice, rhubarb purée, and sugar in a saucepan, over medium heat to a low boil, and slowly pour it into the egg yolk mixture, whisking the whole time to prevent the egg cooking.
  • Return the whole mixture to the pot, and cook over a medium heat, whisking constantly.
  • Once the mixture begins to thicken, remove from the heat for 10 seconds, and whisk vigorously. Return to the heat and allow to come to a full boil, for 10-15 seconds – keep whisking.
  • Strain mixture onto a large piece of cling film, and wrap to make a little pillow. Chill in the fridge until cold.
  • The next day, remove the dough from the fridge, and divide into 50g pieces. You should get 20. Shape each of them on a table (you may want to lightly flour your hand) into a tight bun shape. Do this by cupping your hand over the piece, and moving your hand circles.
  • Place the rounds on parchment lined trays, and lightly cover with cling film sprayed with cooking oil to prevent sticking. Allow to prove in a warm place for 1.5-3 hours, or until doubled in size.
  • When the dough is almost ready, begin heating the oil in a large pot over medium heat, until the temperature reads 180°C (356°F). You will need to be very careful working with the oil (it’s hot!), and try and check the temp. between each batch. Cut the parchment paper around each doughnut.
  • Fry the doughnuts in groups of 2 or three, for about 1.5-2 minutes on each side. Place them in the oil gently, by the parchment paper, and remove it once you have flipped the doughnuts.
  • Remove the doughnuts to a paper towel lined plate, to soak up any excess oil. While still warm, toss the doughnuts in a bowl of caster sugar.
  • Once all the doughnuts are fried, allow them to cool while you finish the filling.
  • Remove the pastry cream and curd from the fridge, and beat until smooth.
  • Whip the double cream, and 40g caster sugar until stiff, then divide in two and fold each half into the rhubarb and pastry cream. Gently swirl the two together. Fill a piping bag, fitted with a small round nozzle, with the mixture, or a ziplock bag with a small hole cut in the corner.
  • Using a paring knife, cut a small hold in the side of each of the doughnuts, to allow you to fill them.
  • Stick your piping bag in the hole, and fill the doughnut, then pipe a small amount to cover the hole. Decorate with poached rhubarb, or whatever garnish you like!


*If using active dry yeast, you will need to warm the water to about 46°C (115°F) and allow to dissolve. If using either active dry or fresh, add to the water instead of flour. **Feel free to make in a stand mixer if you have one, using your dough hook. Simply mix on medium speed for the time shown. It’s much easier to use a machine with such a sticky dough.
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VEGAN VEGGIE MUFFINS Fri, 11 May 2018 02:21:00 +0000 Read more]]> Is this a healthy muffin? Is there such a thing as a healthy muffin if it contains sugar?

I mean sure, you can make all sorts of paleo “blah-blah-naturally-sweetened-with-bananas” type things… but those aren’t really muffins. Muffins are fluffy, and slightly sweet, with a delicious crusty top. They’re basically cupcakes without the frosting if we’re being honest with ourselves. They’re cupcakes we can feel better about eating.

However, if there was such a thing as a healthy muffin – this would be it! It does contain sugar but also has pumpkin purée, apple, carrot, and zucchini (courgette) inside. Not to mention pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.

It might not seem like the kind of recipe for the beautiful sunny weather we’ve been having, but I think it works. The flavours may feel like fall (with the pumpkin, cinnamon, and cloves) but the fact that it’s healthy makes it feel like summer to me! I can’t be the only one who craves salad and other healthy foods once the weather heats up? Goodbye, hearty and rich stews – hello BBQ!

In my humble opinion, if carrot cake is acceptable all year round, why not these?

So if you’d like a morning treat, or something to bring to the office, and are looking for healthier options – why not try these? I can guarantee you that you won’t be disappointed.


Vegan Veggie Muffins

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 50 minutes


  • 450 g all-purpose flour
  • 300 g whole-wheat flour
  • 14 g baking soda bicarbonate
  • 26 g baking powder
  • 10 g ground cinnamon plus extra for sprinkling
  • 6 g ground ginger
  • 6 g salt
  • large pinch all-spice
  • large pinch ground cloves
  • pinch ground cardamon optional
  • 74 g sunflower seeds
  • 74 g pumpkin seeds plus extra for topping
  • 450 g sugar plus extra for sprinkling
  • 284 g pumpkin purée
  • 224 ml neutral oil sunflower
  • 116 ml apple juice
  • 6 ml vanilla extract
  • 134 g grated zucchini courgette
  • 100 g grated carrot
  • 92 g grated apple


  • Preheat oven to 170°C convection (340°F). Line 2 muffins trays with paper cases (24 total).
  • In a large bowl, sift together all the dry ingredients except for the sugar, and seeds. Mix in the seeds, and set aside.
  • In a medium bowl, mix together the sugar, along with all the wet ingredients. Stir in the grated veggies and fruit.
  • Mix the wet into the dry, until no flour remains. (The mixture will be thick)
  • Mix together a tablespoon of extra sugar with a sprinkling of cinnamon to dust the muffins with.
  • Spoon the mixture evenly into 24 muffin cases, sprinkle with cinnamon sugar, and top with a few extra pumpkin seeds.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for 30+ minutes, turning partway through. Check with a toothpick to see if done.
  • Cool on baking racks, then store in an airtight container.


If you are using the larger tulip paper cases, then you’ll only get about 18-20 muffins, and may have to bake longer.
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POSSETS: THE EASIEST CUSTARD YOU’LL EVER MAKE Mon, 15 Jan 2018 22:46:00 +0000 Read more]]> When I was studying pastry + bread making in Vancouver, our teachers introduced us to a dessert I had never heard of – the posset. Originally a thickened drink waaaay back in the day (think Shakespear), it has evolved into a set custard-like dessert which has the consistency of sour cream. Possets require only 3 ingredients, which is why they are the simplest “custards” you can make. (I use quotations on custard, as the term generally means something that has been set with eggs.) No need to worry about curdling eggs with this custard! Possets need no eggs, no gelatine, no flour… the only thing that they require to set into a velvet consistency is acid.

I could get all sciencey about it, but it’s similar to how yoghurt is made. Except, instead of having bacteria eating the sugars (lactose) and producing lactic acid, you add the acid yourself! The acid lowers the ph of the cream, which changes the structure of the protein strands, allowing them to hold more water. Originally, I was taught that possets require citrus to set (lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruit…), but there are other fruits with a similar ph to citrus.

My original recipe idea, was to make an orange posset, flavoured with pomegranate (mostly because I just wanted the pink/peach colour). But as I was making the first batch I was having a hard time. Possets need the citric acid to set, so I couldn’t substitute pomegranate juice for orange juice. I could only add a tablespoon or so for flavour. Now, pomegranate isn’t as strong a taste as the orange, so it wasn’t coming through. Then, as I was tasting things, I wondered to myself if the bitter pomegranate juice might be acidic? Turns out, pomegranate has a lower ph than oranges, and is closer to that of lemons! That made me realize you could use pomegranate juice all on its own!

So I went back to the store for more cream and set about making three different possets – one solely orange, one 50/50 orange and pomegranate, and one solely pomegranate. I was curious about the different colours and flavours, and couldn’t settle on just one. The result? Well, the pomegranate one didn’t really taste pomegranate – it’s too delicate a flavour. I used pomegranate juice though, so maybe freshly squeezed would come through? With the 50/50 one you couldn’t really taste the pomegranate, as again, it’s too delicate. The orange one was the best, as the flavour really cut through the cream.

In my opinion, the best possets use the most sour flavours – like lemon and lime. They really come through the heaviness of the cream, unlike subtler flavours. Perhaps next time, I’ll try one with lime and ginger… doesn’t that sound nice?

So if you want to make a posset, experiment with flavours. Lemon is perfect, but you can also infuse things in the milk before you make the posset. Simply add whatever you want to infuse as you first simmer the cream. Then take it off the heat, cover with a lid (to prevent too much evaporation) and steep for 30 minutes. Bring it back to a simmer and continue with the recipe as before. You could infuse all kinds of spices, herbs, tea… just use your imagination!

Honestly, possets are so easy! My only advice would be to serve these in small dishes, as they are very very creamy… you don’t want to serve people too much. A double-shot of posset is all you really need!


Posset Custards

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 3 hours
Total Time 3 hours 15 minutes


  • 600 ml whipping/double cream
  • 135 g sugar
  • 200 ml lemon juice about 5-6 lemons
  • lemon zest from all lemons


  • Zest and juice the lemons to get 200ml. Place all of the zest, sugar, and cream into a pot and set over the stove on medium heat.
  • Bring mixture to a simmer, stirring continuously, until the sugar has dissolved.
  • Add the lemon juice, and bring back to a simmer, stirring to ensure completely mixed. Remove from the heat.
  • Strain the mixture through a fine sieve, and pour into small containers. Allow to cool to room temperature before covering with cling film, and chill in the fridge to set.
  • Allow to set in the fridge for a few hours, or overnight.
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BEETROOT RAVIOLI: MAKING YOUR OWN STRIPED PASTA Fri, 05 Jan 2018 23:25:00 +0000 Read more]]> When I used to work in Vancouver, BC, my office was right near Granville Island. Every now and then, when I forgot my lunch, I would wander over to the Granville Public Market to see what took my fancy. One of the stalls I always stopped to admire, was the fresh pasta from Duso’s. The flavour combinations were always inventive, and they would add stripes to their pasta! Ever since seeing them, I have wanted to make my own striped pasta.

A few years back, I was given a pasta roller as a Christmas present. It was a most unexpected gift, as it was from a Secret Santa exchange, and I didn’t know the person who had my name very well. It was absolutely perfect, as I had been dying to try my hand at making fresh pasta! And once you’ve mastered making plain pasta, striped or coloured pasta isn’t very far off! It’s not any more difficult, but it is time-consuming – oh so time-consuming…

Making fresh ravioli is only really worth it if you’re going to make unusual flavours. It takes so much time, that it’s not worth making regular cheese or spinach pasta. You have to mix together the dough, allow it to rest, make the filling, roll out the dough, fold + roll some more, then fill and cut the ravioli. Honestly, sometimes I’m not sure if I’m a masochist, or just love to cook and bake. It’s up for debate. 😉

To make your pasta striped, you have to mix together both regular dough, as well as coloured. While you could use food colouring, good-coloured pasta is made with natural ingredients. Cocoa powder makes brown, beetroot powder for red/pink, spirulina powder for green, turmeric or saffron for yellow, and tomato paste for orange. All of those ingredients have intense enough colours, so you only need a little bit.  It means that they won’t alter the flavour of your pasta considerably. (But remember, the colour of the pasta will lighten when you boil them.)

As I was making beetroot-filled pasta, I opted to add beetroot powder to 1/4 of the dough recipe, substituting for 5-10g of the flour. It gave it a lovely bright fuschia colour. You’ll need to experiment to see how many colour ingredients you need to get your desired shade.

Okay, now the instructions for how to make fresh ravioli (using a roller). It’s a bit of a long explanation, but stay with me! If you already know how and just want the recipe for the filling, scroll to the bottom!

The first, step will be making your filling. You want it to be completely cool when you’re ready to fill your pasta, so it’s easiest to do this first, and then chill. You can find all sorts of recipes online, and feel free to experiment! Some of my favourites that I’ve made are butternut squash with sage and mushroom with pine nuts. For the beetroot recipe, I used the base of this recipe but then added some chopped roasted hazelnuts, an egg yolk, and rosemary.

While your filling is chilling in the fridge, make your pasta dough. My original recipe came from the Kitchen Stories app, but it was always too dry and I’d have to keep adding liquid. (The video does show you how to roll etc. which is helpful if reading the instructions is confusing.) I finally just made my own. You’ll feel like it’s crazy dry still, but just squeeze it together, knead a bit, and let it rest. The flour will continue to absorb moisture as the dough relaxes.

If you’re just making plain-coloured pasta, you’ll make one batch of the recipe below. If you want striped pasta, make 1/4 of the recipe with the added colourant, and 3/4 of the recipe plain. As you layer the coloured pasta over the plain, you don’t need a whole lot.

After your dough has rested, and absorbed all the moisture, you can begin rolling! I’ve got the Marcato Atlas 150 pasta roller, which I heartily recommend. It’s solidly built and comes with pasta cutters for making spaghetti or linguine. Or in my case, you can use the linguine cutter to make stripes for ravioli!

Your dough should not feel too dry at this point but is still more crumbly and stiff than any other kind of dough. For the best al dente pasta, you need to activate the gluten in the dough. What this means is lots of rolling it out, folding it, and then feeding it back through the machine. As with making croissants, this is called laminating.

When rolling pasta, you cut off a chunk of dough (re-wrap the rest) and flatten it enough to fit through the machine on the lowest setting. Then you slowly increase the setting until your dough is the thickness you want. But see, if you only do that, you’ll end up with soggy pasta. As this dough was never properly kneaded, we need to work the gluten in the dough to give it a bite when boiled. To do that, you’ll want to work the dough through a couple of the settings, then fold your dough in thirds, and feed it back through the machine on the lowest setting. For the best-textured pasta, you’ll do this about 6-8 times before continuing on to your final thickness. This also helps you get neat edges before cutting! You can see visual examples in this long post about the perfect homemade pasta. I think I’ll try that recipe the next time for comparison!

To add the stripes to your dough, you have to laminate each colour first, then roll each to the same thickness (about halfway to your desired thickness). Cut both pieces to the same length, and then cut the coloured ones into even strips. As I had a linguine cutter on my roller, I used it to cut the red dough into even pieces. If you don’t have one, you can simply use a ruler and pizza wheel/knife.

Then, use water to dampen one side of each stripe with a wet finger (or brush if you’re fancy), and lay over the plain dough sheet. This gets fed back into your pasta roller (at its lowest setting), and the two layers get sandwiched into one! Then you keep rolling it out until it’s the right thickness – it’s really quite easy!

Most people recommend that you roll pasta for ravioli to about the last or second-to-last thickness on your machine. Too thick and it’ll feel like eating more dough than filling, but too thin and your ravioli may explode when boiling. It’s a delicate balance.

Once you have two sheets of dough ready to fill, you can use a ravioli cutter, cookie cutter, or ravioli mould set. The first time I made filled pasta, I made tortellini by hand and it took ages! After that, I saw a ravioli mould at Homesense and jumped at the chance to make 12 ravioli at a time. This mould is very similar to the one I have at home.

If using a mould, first make sure it’s lightly floured. Then lay one piece of dough on top, fill each cavity with about a teaspoon of filling, and use water to lightly wet the area around each filling. Then lay a second piece of dough on top, press out any air bubbles, and use a rolling pin (often included) to cut all the edges. Turn the mould over and tap to turn them all out.

If you don’t have a mould, you lay one piece on a lightly floured table, and add little mounds of filling on top. Space them out as far as needed for whichever cutter you are using. Then wet around each filling (I just use a damp finger), and cover with the second piece. Press together around each filling to remove air bubbles, and cut out with your cutter! Easy!

As you are making the pasta, place the finished ravioli on a well-floured baking tray, uncovered. You can then boil them straight away, or freeze them in a single layer, before moving them to ziplock bags for storage. Ravioli cooks in only a few minutes, even from frozen. This makes them a great weekday meal, once you get past all the time they take to make. 😉

And that’s it! It takes a long time, but if you enjoy stuff like that, it’s quite fun. Especially to see your handiwork with the stripes!

So if you’re feeling brave, why not try making your own pasta this week? Or perhaps set aside some time on the weekend, as it can take a while…

*This post contains affiliate links*


Beetroot Ravioli in Poppy Seed Butter

Prep Time 3 hours
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 3 hours 10 minutes


  • 2 beetroots roasted cooled and grated
  • 125 g ricotta cheese
  • 2 tbsp bread crumbs
  • 50 g hazelnuts roasted and chopped
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 sprig rosemary chopped
  • 300 g ’00’ flour
  • 100 g egg yolks about 5
  • 50 g whole egg about 2
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp water
  • generous pinch salt
  • 57 g butter
  • 1.5 tsp poppy seeds
  • freshly grated parmesan


  • Make the filling: mix together the grated beetroot, ricotta, 25g hazelnuts, egg yolk, breadcrumbs, and rosemary. Place in a piping bag or ziplock, and chill in the fridge.
  • Make the pasta dough: mix together the flour and salt in a medium bowl. In a separate bowl, mix together the egg yolks, eggs, water, and oil.
  • Make a well in the middle of the flour, and slowly stir in the liquid ingredients. Once the liquid has all been absorbed, press the mixture together with your hands. Gently knead together a few times on the table, wrap in cling film, and rest for 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Make the ravioli: roll out two lengths of dough to desired thickness. Place first sheet down on floured ravioli mould, fill with about a teaspoon of filling (snip end off ziploack bag for easy piping), cover with second sheet of dough, press and cut into ravioli.
  • Place finished ravioli in a single layer on a well floured tray.
  • Make the poppy seed and hazelnut buter: melt butter over medium heat with hazelnuts and poppy seeds until fragrant and nutty.
  • Cook pasta in boiling salted water, until they float and lighten in colour. Toss in the poppy seed butter, divide among plates, and top with freshly grated parmesan.
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PORTZELKY: MENNONITE NEW YEAR’S COOKIES Mon, 01 Jan 2018 22:14:00 +0000 Read more]]> Photo

Well, it’s officially 2018! And why not start the new year with some good old-fashioned doughnuts? My grandma always called these New Year’s Küken (or “cookies”) but you may also know them as Portzelky. They are a German Mennonite favorite, always made for New Year’s Day.

When I was a kid, these weren’t my favorite things because they contained a dreaded ingredient – raisins. Not sure why, but I have always disliked raisins, especially in baked goods. You know when you pick up a cookie, thinking it’s a chocolate chip, only to eat a raisin?! Worst thing ever… I can remember eating raisins out of those little red boxes as a child and enjoying it. But now, despite my best efforts to get used to those shriveled little pockets of sadness… I just don’t like ’em.

Now that I am making my own New Year’s cookies, I can use whatever fruit I want! (Eat that, raisins!) I have always wanted to experiment with these little doughnuts and decided to try three different flavors this year.

The first uses raisins, but I soaked them with some alcohol for flavor (sloe gin to be exact). The second was candied citrus zest, and the third was apple and stem ginger, with a hint of cinnamon. All three also have some fresh orange zest and vanilla in the dough… because apparently, I cannot leave anything alone. When I told Richard I wanted to make these but add/change things, his response was “Of course”.

(You may wonder why I am bothering to make raisins, but I want Richard to be able to try them, and he likes them.)

Now, my grandma always waited for these to cool a bit, and then dusted with icing sugar, but I decided to mix that up too. For the candied citrus zest ones, I rolled them in a bit of caster (berry) sugar after letting them drain off the oil. You need to do it while they are still warm (like the paska doughnuts I made last year) so that it stick properly.

As for our opinions on which flavor is the best? Well, Richard and I both liked the candied zest and apple ones, but he also liked the raisin ones. He preferred the icing to caster sugar, but I can go both ways. Caster looks prettier than icing sugar, but it’s really a personal choice. As always, they taste best warm, so invite a few people over while you make them! Who would say no to warm, sugary doughnuts on New Year?


Portzelky (New Year’s Kuken)

Prep Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 35 minutes
Servings 3 dozen
Author acthiessen


  • 188 ml whole milk
  • 188 ml water
  • 1 tbsp active dry yeast
  • 43 g butter unsalted
  • 3 eggs
  • 58 g sugar
  • 1 orange zested
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 595 g plain flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 0.5 tsp baking powder
  • 180 g raisins chopped apple, mixed peel
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • icing/caster sugar for dusting


  • Make the dough
  • In a small saucepan, heat the milk and water to 45°C (115°F) with half of the sugar. Remove from the heat, and stir in the yeast. Set aside for 5 minutes until bubbles start showing on the surface.
  • In a medium sized bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside.
  • In a large bowl, whisk together the remaining sugar, and eggs until foamy. Add in the melted butter, vanilla, and orange zest, followed by the yeast mixture.
  • Pour the dry ingredients over the wet, and mix together with a wooden spoon until no large lumps remain. Add in your raisins, or other inclusions.
  • Cover with some cling film, and allow to prove in a warm place for 45min-1hr or until double in size and bubbly.
  • Fry the portzelky
  • When the dough is almost ready, heat your oil in a large pot until 180-185°C (360°F). Be careful to make sure that the oil doesn’t get too hot or cool.
  • When the oil is the correct temperature, drop spoonfuls of the batter, 3-4 at a time, and fry for about 4 minutes (2 each side). Your portzelky may turn on their own, so keep an eye on them.
  • When they are a deep golden colour, remove with a slotted spoon and allow to drain on some paper towel lines plates.
  • Toss in caster sugar or shake in a bag of icing sugar to coat. Enjoy!


Adapted from Mennonite Girls Can Cook (
If using raisins, rehydrate by adding enough hot water (and a tablespoon or two of any alcohol – optional) to cover half the raisins. Sitir, and let stand until room temp. then pour off any excess. For the ginger + apple ones, Use 126g apple, and 54g chopped stem ginger, with 1 tsp. cinnamon.
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HOMEMADE EGGNOG Fri, 15 Dec 2017 22:04:00 +0000 Read more]]> One of the things that I miss most about Christmas in Canada is eggnog! Or better yet, eggnog lattes (insert heart eyes here). Starbucks in the UK only uses an ‘eggnog syrup’ not actual eggnog, which is not at all the same taste. Bleh. The first time I ordered one, I thought it tasted funny, but thought eggnog here was just sweeter or something.

So this year, after having a taste of proper eggnog back in Canada, I decided to make my own. The nice thing about homemade eggnog is that you can control the calories and spices. Use full-fat milk, cream, or skim… whatever your heart desires! Add rum, or no rum: star anise, cloves, or just nutmeg. I like mine with lots of spice and a hint of rum; which also happens to be spiced!

Most recipes I found online, said to use three parts whole milk, to one part cream. I wanted to make mine a bit healthier and use only whole milk, but it’s not as thick as normal eggnog. Use single, double, half + half… whatever your heart desires! I also found recipes that said to whip the egg whites separately, and then add in just before serving. I imagine this would give it a bit of a frothier/thicker texture, but it felt like a wasted effort for me.

The flavor will get stronger if you leave it overnight, so long as you keep the spices in. And if you want a festive punch, rather than just classic eggnog, add some 7-Up (or similar) and scoops of vanilla ice cream before serving. Perfection!

Even if you’re in North America, and have access to store-bought stuff, give homemade eggnog a try. It’s really quite delicious!


Homemade Eggnog

Prep Time 30 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes


  • 1 litre whole milk*
  • 5-6 whole eggs
  • 130 g sugar
  • 120 ml spiced rum
  • 3 cinnamon sticks
  • 2-4 cloves
  • 1 vanilla bean split with seeds scraped out**
  • 1 star anise
  • 1 tsp ground nutmeg


  • In a small saucepan with a lid, place the milk/cream, vanilla pod, seeds, and all spices. Bring to a simmer over medium heat, remove, and allow to cool.
  • Steep mixture for 30 minutes.
  • While mixture is steeping, beat the eggs and sugar until lightened in colour.
  • Whisk the milk mixture into the eggs, then add the rum. For a stronger flavour, let the mixture infuse overnight in the fridge.
  • When ready to serve, strain into glasses and garnish with some ground nutmeg. To turn it into an eggnog punch, add scoops of ice cream and some 7-Up.


* Substitute with 3 parts milk, 1 part cream if desired ** Substitute with 0.5-1 tsp vanilla bean paste, or extract.
Inspired by this recipe on Jamie Oliver’s website (
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PICKLING CUCAMELONS: THE COOLEST PICKLES YOU’VE EVER SEEN Thu, 16 Nov 2017 17:57:00 +0000 Read more]]> So one of the things that I really wanted to plant in our allotment, was cucamelons. I’m not even that big of a fan of cucumbers, but these just looked so cute! And of course, I love pickles, so growing cucamelons just pretty much means turning them into cucamelon pickles!

Here in the UK, I find pickles to be a bit sweet for my North American tastes. I like my pickles mostly tangy garlicky dill rather than sweet, so I thought I should just make my own! My mom used to always buy those “yum-yum” pickles and I used to refer to them as “yuck-yuck”…

I used this recipe from The Kitchn as inspiration. I only made enough for two half-pint jars, as that was the amount of cucamelons that I had. Just adjust the recipe for the amount you need. As mentioned in the original recipe, I trimmed the blossom end of the cucamelons to prevent them from softening.

One thing mentioned in the original recipe is to use dill seeds as opposed to dill leaves. While this is probably a useful tip, I used the leaves (as I couldn’t find the other nearby) and still found the dill taste to be quite strong. Feel free to use whatever you have on hand as seasoning – I just used what I had in the pantry. Dill leaves, mustard seeds, coriander seeds, and garlic were the flavors that I chose.

If you’re planning on storing your pickles for a long time, use the hot water bath mentioned in The Kitchen, otherwise, you can just store them in the fridge. Wait at least a few days before opening the pickles, for a stronger flavor. If you don’t have cucamelons on hand, no worries! Pickle any kind of cucumbers or other vegetables like green beans – the options are endless. Have fun experimenting with yours!


Pickled Cucamelons

Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes


  • Enough pickles to fit one pint jar
  • 125 ml cider vinegar
  • 125 ml water
  • 2.25 tsp kosher salt
  • 2 garlic cloves smashed
  • 2 tsp dill leaves
  • 1 tsp coriander seeds
  • 1 tsp black mustard seeds


  • Prep the jars by washing, then sterilizing both lids and jars with boiling water. Allow them to air dry, or speed it up by putting them in a low temp. oven
  • Wash and dry the cucamelons. Trim away the blossom end of the cucumber, and leave whole or cut as desired.
  • Add the spices to the jar(s) then pack the pickles into the jars. Leave a little room at the top of the jar.
  • Bring the pickling brine to a boil – combine the vinegar, water, and salt in a small pan over high heat. Pour it over the pickles, leaving a little room at the top. Depending on the type of pickles, and room available, you may have extra brine.
  • Gently tap the jars against the counter a few times to remove all the air bubbles. Top off with more pickling brine if necessary.
  • Screw the lids on tight, and then let the jars cool to room temperature. Once cool, refrigerate if you’re not processing for longer storage.
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